Green Education Foundation is a 501(c) 3 Non-Profit Public Charity Organization committed to creating green educational programs and workshops that will help shape the minds of our future environmental and political leaders. Our goal is to educate the youth, initiate change and create a sustainable green planet for all our future generations.
Recycling Drives by G.E.F.
Recycling Drives are a fundamental part of fundraising for any environmental charity because it serves two purposes. To raise money in order to fund green programs, and also support the environment by reducing landfill waste. Educate citizens about the importance of recycling, reducing the need for raw materials to make new products, and so many other ecological benefits.
Recycling drives that also engage the students themselves work the best in conjunction with educational programming, hands on work shops and/or field trips. This synergistic approach to green education makes a real impact on students who are confused with today’s contradictory messages.
Part of what occurs when students actively participate in these type of programs is they take ownership of the environmental problems, starting the path towards awareness and understanding. This eventually leads to a desire to find solutions and actively engage with global conservation and ecology.
Crowdfunding & Sponsorship
Green Education Foundation is seeking partnerships with the public and with companies that understand the benefits associated with showcasing their commitment to our communities and to the environment. Sustainability is an important concern these days. Crowdfunding is a very efficient way to finance individual programs and drives sponsored by Green Education Foundation. Subscribe to our newsletter for updates on upcoming events.
Many companies halfheartedly make the effort to become greener, in order to appease a growing number of consumers who demand corporate responsibility in exchange for their patronage. However, many companies are starting to realize that consumers are not as easily fooled as they once were. Their is a growing movement from consumers who insist on “real impactful changes” from giant corporations and conglomerates.
Green Education Foundation is offering corporations a chance to earn their “Green Credentials” by helping sponsor local green programming, school field-trips, and workshops. The benefits to these companies is the goodwill from the very communities they depend on to support their products. To discuss partnerships and drive sponsorship opportunities, contact our friendly staff using the “Write To Us” form button below. We’re excited to hear from you!
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Green Education Foundation
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GEF Patreon Sponsorship!
Green Education Foundation has partnered with The Green Group to empower our goal of building a better future! Donate to our Patreon Account and help us cherish our beautiful planet. We appreciate your kind support!
Patreon is an American membership platform based in the United States that provides business tools for creators to run a subscription content service. It allows creators and artists to earn a monthly income by providing exclusive rewards and perks to their subscribers, or “patrons”.
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