
Posted in Ecology News

Manage Your Clutter | Liberate Your Home, Mind and Spirit

Have you collected a lot of stuff over the years? Are you attached to all of this stuff for sentimental reasons. If you are finding it hard to clear your home or office space of clutter, then you might want to try the Feng Shui clutter clearing technique. It’s a system that utilizes a simple truth combined with honesty and spirituality, that translates into having a clean space. As a result, you can create positive energy around your home and in your mind.

Karen Kingston, an English Author and Mentor with over thirty-five years of experience in clearing clutter, is sharing a new and effective way to de-clutter. Her book titled Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui, is an insightful book delving into the world of peace and calm, that comes with clearing out your clutter.

Her approach likens the process of de-cluttering as both a much needed physical and mental cleansing. She also touches on the spiritual aspect as she indulges in some feng shui techniques. It is possible that you might not be into the mystic spirituality of feng Shui. Nevertheless, her techniques for clearing clutter remain simple, practical and effective. There have also been some popular TV shows around this subject.

Her insight into the world of cluttering also dives into the issue of waste, an important concern these days. Therefore, if you are looking for effective ways to get rid of unused and unwanted stuff in your home, office and/or properties; we highly recommend Karen’s Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui book.

Lastly, if you are wondering what to do with the stuff you are disposing of? Well, they can be useful to someone else. “one mans trash is another mans treasure.” So, you can donate them to second hand stores, thrifts shops, NDRS locations and auction houses. By clearing your clutter, you get to help yourself, help another person in need, and save the environment. What are you waiting for? CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER TODAY.

‣ Written by Thompson | Edited by Danny Danmole’